Even though these very handy, interactive platforms known as 'Social Media' could help us share and discuss our content with individuals from all over the globe, for lack of resources we've decided to avoid heavy social media presents for the time being. The main purpose for PEES’s social media pages are therefore to provide internet presents for contacting purposes. Their contents won’t be as up-to-date as it is on this website.
For now, the best way to stay informed is through our News Feed.
Here are some ways you can recommend or connect with us anyway:
Find us on Facebook
‘Circle Buddy’ us on Google Plus
Follow us on Twitter (coming soon)
Subscribe to Subreddit (coming soon)
Visit us on YouTube
There are also the #PEESforall and #PEES hashtags which are occasionally used for the usual message threading. You should try it sometime.
For now, the best way to stay informed is through our News Feed.
Here are some ways you can recommend or connect with us anyway:
Find us on Facebook
‘Circle Buddy’ us on Google Plus
Follow us on Twitter (coming soon)
Subscribe to Subreddit (coming soon)
Visit us on YouTube
There are also the #PEESforall and #PEES hashtags which are occasionally used for the usual message threading. You should try it sometime.