Editorial Policy

This page tries to define what subjects will or will not be covered in the PENVOY. It includes information that will try to explain why some publications are undesirable and rejected, and why others reflect the organization’s vision and got published.

Although a healthy ‘impartiality’ from world political life is a requirement for board membership, PENVOY has been designed to spark actions and to provide a platform for transformative ideas.

The inarticulated feelings of the soul of humanity and the emergent personalities of the people of the world has to find its voice in the PENVOY. The point of view of the organisation and its supporters has to be broadcast unhesitatingly in no uncertain terms and even with authority. Peace must be given a chance to prevail.

As the PENVOY emerges more and more to public view, it will represent the conscience of humanity and will spotlight from day to day the errors detrimental to humanity's interests. With a powerful, independent voice, it will spur the evolution in consciousness and inspire direct actions that are necessary to save the planet and humanity.

Editorial Policy
PEES reserves the right to determine whether material submitted for publication shall be printed and reserves the right to edit as needed, for space, libellous statements, or personal unwarranted attacks.

The organization shall be responsible for the editing of all material submitted to the PENVOY pertaining to libel, spelling, grammar, violations of international law and regulations, length, etc. At no time shall the organization alter the motive, intent or direction of an article. Articles may also be presented to the editorial committee if deemed necessary.

In general, articles submitted for publication should deal with issues, not personalities. It is the policy of PEES to disallow any unwarranted attacks on individuals or the insults of any member, and refuse to print any article deemed improper or unfit for publication. Opinions expressed by the writers of articles in the PENVOY are those of the individual and not necessarily those of the organization. The authors’ names will be withheld upon request or as deemed necessary.

Submission does not guarantee publication.